KeramoLab → Garden Installation + Collective Ceramic Arch Totem (Workshop)
Garden Installation + Collective Ceramic Arch Totem (Workshop)
Collective reading Circle: share your reading on care, community and common good.
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We want to open our creative processes: these are community-based and centred around the common thread of care and sustainability.
Specifically about the newly opened space, we would like to invite everyone to contribute, as it is a space that wants to be everybody's: decorating, planting, painting, installing, etc.
We would like to emphasise care as a logic of action, creation and re-appropriation of spaces.
We will host:
Sessions exploring archives: recordings, stories, objects, materials, and drafts, as a practice of exchanging imaginaries; healing practices, based on deep listening and breathing.
Collective reading sessions, where we wish to discuss texts that are milestones for our collective and welcome others to read theirs.
As an established practice of togetherness, the making of a clay totem arch in which everyone is invited to shape a piece.
There will be food and its preparation will eventually be shared.